Vintage Snowmobile Event

Stay tuned for details on this season's event!

Previous events:

Vermont Vintage Rendezvous 3

The third Vermont Vintage Rendezvous was held Feb 2, 2013 by Alex Riesterer and the White River Valley Ramblers.  Lots of vintage snowmobiles ranging from some of the earliest models to early 80's.  Thanks to all who worked and displayed at this event!

Vermont Vintage Rendezvous II


was held March 3rd, 2012 across from Onion Flats Restaurant in Bethel, VT. 

Great food was served by the Bethel Snowmobile Club, big thanks to Alex for bringing this back another year. 

Mother Nature blessed us with the first truly rideable snow and held off the rain, even provided a warm sun. 

The winner of the people's choice was number 18, a beautifully restored Johnson Rampage (click to enlarge):

Here's some more pictures of the event (click to enlarge):
